The Oyster Bar (Palace )
$ $For some, no trip to Las Vegas is complete without a visit to Palace Station, where guests will gladly stand on line for hours for one of Oyster Bar’s coveted 18 seats. And that isn’t an exaggeration. It’s not unusual to see members of a party manning that line in shifts, with one person holding spots while the others gamble. Some come for the pan roasts, made to order before your eyes. Others are more partial to the Gold Band Louisiana oysters -- particularly between the 5 and 10 a.m., when they’re just $1 apiece. Most, however, just seem to love the ritual of standing in that line with strangers from around the world and making new friends, to the point that it’s become a personal tradition.
Locals seem a bit less intrigued by the ritual of waiting on line than the fact that the restaurant is open 24 hours a day. That’s why chef/restaurateur Crystina Nguyen (This Mama’s House in Vegas Test Kitchen) and Instagrammer Emily Romero (@eatmelasvegas) listed it as one of their favorite place to dine after midnight.