John Mulls Meats & Road Kill Grill
$John Mull’s is nothing short of a Las Vegas institution, even landing the restaruant attached to the popular butcher shop a spot on the Food Network’s “Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives” with UNLV alum Guy Fieri
“John Mull’s has been in the same semi-hidden location for ages,” said Neon Feast contributor and food blogger LeAnne Notabartolo. “It's nothing fancy, like some of the other butcher shops here in the valley, but I like to go there to get my casings and specialty items when I am making my own sausage or curing bacon. Not every butcher carries those items, but they usually have what I need in stock and the prices are very reasonable.”
John Mull’s also is known for 39 beef cuts including the less-commonly found clod roast and steamship round, beef offal including feet and hearts, 24 pork cuts and pork offal including hog heads and ears, buffalo, fish, frog, goat, rabbit, smoked meats, sausages and lunch meats. They even sell marrow bones especially for dogs. And if you manage to bag a deer or elk, they’ll be glad to process that for you.