4 Listings
When you’re looking for that quick sweet treat, look no further than grabbing a cupcake at one of these spots.
“Happiness is just a cupcake away,” say siblings Kate Anyanwu and Will Thompson, co-owners of the company Kate founded right out of college. Cupcakes and mini-cupcakes are their main focus, and c...
tsp. Baking Company
Dayna Roselli, co-host of the "Vegas Revealed" podcast and partner in Insightful Media, likes the wares at tsp. Baking Company, especially the fact that ”if you have a particular design you want fo...
Freed’s Bakery (Multiple Locations)
Tourists and recent transplants to Las Vegas may know Freed’s Bakery through the reality TV hit “Vegas Cakes.” But longtime locals know that the third-generation family-owned and operated bakery ha...
The Cupcakery
For anyone growing up in the ‘60s and ‘70s, cupcakes were staples brought to school and parties. Then, sadly, the little cake in a paper cup lost favor -- on the verge of extinction, like the gelat...